“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

-Mahatma Gandhi

Where it Started

I wanted to find out if the Gandhi quote was true. Could I find the next chapter of my life by doing service?

So I minimalized my life, moved to Utah, and with my brothers, converted a cargo van into a tiny home, filled with positive energy and love. I named her Sojourner - Sojo for short.

I then set off on a journey of service across this country. I traveled through 26 states volunteering at food banks, non profits and building a house with a group of Care-A-Vanners.

Finding Myself Through Service

The joy and peace I felt serving and being around people who were dedicating their lives to service provided me with the answers needed to choose my next chapter.

I imagined most people would have said I was living an outrageous life on this journey.

For me, life seemed ordinary as I woke up each morning in my van and mapped out the next place I would serve, learn from, or visit.

What I was actually doing was living a series of Extraordinary Ordinary Moments.

What is an Extraordinary Ordinary Moment?

The key for me to have an extraordinary moment is all about NOTICING.

Noticing my thoughts, feelings, and experiences empowers me to create my own storyline about my day.

All my thoughts and feelings are equally valid, whether positive or negative. One is not better than the other. I just notice them with no judgment.

Once I do, I have the power to honor them, accept them, or change them.

Notice your Extraordinary Ordinary Moments

I hope you have a chance to practice noticing the ordinary moments of your day.  

It might help to think back on the day before and what you would change if you were present enough to notice it.

Pretty soon you wont have to think how you would change it,

 you will just live each day noticing your power of choice in each moment.

Now that’s extraordinary!